There are different websites that you can use for online services and this will be your choice.

The new, simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services. You can register for the NHS App without having to come to the practice.
- Check your symptoms
- Find out what to do when you need help urgently
- Book and manage appointments at your GP surgery
- Order repeat prescriptions
- Securely view your medical record
- Register to be an organ donor
- Choose how the NHS uses your data
Download the NHS App
Other Providers
To register with other providers you will need to contact or visit reception with proof of identity.
Proxy Access
Porxy access is for parents of children under the age of 15 or if you are happy for a family member or carer to have access to your medical records.
Proxy Access Or 3rd Party Consent for adults aged 16+ years (DOCX, 41KB)
For children aged 11 to 15 years (inc Proxy Access) (DOCX, 41KB)
Proxy Access for children aged 0 to 10 years (DOCX, 39KB)
To find out more please visit GP online services